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Text File | 2009-10-12 | 71.5 KB | 1,951 lines
// code modified by Hemiola SUN, 2005-04-14 and fixed by onemen if(!window.tablib || tablib.version != "tabmixplus") var tablib = { version : "tabmixplus", _inited: false, init : function() { if (this._inited) return; this._inited = true; if(gBrowser.mTabs.length > 0) gBrowser.mCurrentTab._selected = true; // NRA-ILA toolbar extension raplce the original addTab function var _addTab = "addTab"; if ("origAddTab7c3de167ed6f494aa652f11a71ecb40c" in gBrowser) _addTab = "origAddTab7c3de167ed6f494aa652f11a71ecb40c"; eval("gBrowser." + _addTab + " =" + gBrowser[_addTab].toString().replace( 'var blank = aURI == "about:blank";', 'var blank = !aURI || aURI == "about:blank";' ).replace( 't.setAttribute("label", aURI);', 't.setAttribute("label", gWidthFitTitle ? this.mStringBundle.getString("tabs.loading") : aURI);' ).replace( 't.width = 0;', 't.style.maxWidth = t.maxWidth + "px";' ).replace( 't.setAttribute("flex", "100");', 'if (!gWidthFitTitle) { \ t.width = 0; \ $& \ } else t.setAttribute("newtab", "true");' ).replace( 't.dispatchEvent(evt);', '$& this.TMP_openTabNext(t, arguments.callee.caller.name);' ).replace( /* Bug 465673 Change 'Default' Tab Opening Behavior/Position for Firefox - landed on 3.7a1pre 2009-09-05 we don't use it for now */ 'this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent")', 'false' )); // ContextMenu Extensions raplce the original removeTab function var _removeTab = "removeTab"; if ("__ctxextensions__removeTab" in gBrowser) _removeTab = "__ctxextensions__removeTab"; if (gIsFirefox35) { // for Firefox 3.5+ // eval("gBrowser." + _removeTab + " =" + gBrowser[_removeTab].toString().replace( '{', '{ \ if (this.mTabContainer.childNodes.length == 1 && this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.keepLastTab")) return; \ if (aTab.hasAttribute("protected")) return;\ aTab.clearTimeouts();' )); eval("gBrowser._endRemoveTab ="+gBrowser._endRemoveTab.toString().replace( 'aTab.collapsed = true;', 'if (this.mTabs.length == this._removingTabs.length) aTab.collapsed = true; \ else aTab.hidden = true;' ).replace( 'this.addTab("about:blank");', 'TMP_BrowserOpenTab(null, true);' ).replace( 'this._blurTab(aTab);', 'TMP_onRemoveTab(aTab, browser); \ this.mTabContainer.nextTab = 1; \ $&' )); eval("gBrowser._blurTab ="+gBrowser._blurTab.toString().replace( 'if (aTab.owner &&', 'if (false &&' ).replace( 'var tab = aTab;', 'var tab, newIndex = this.selectIndexAfterRemove(aTab);\ if (newIndex > -1) {\ tab = this.mTabContainer.childNodes[newIndex];\ if (tab && this._removingTabs.indexOf(tab) == -1) {\ this.selectedTab = tab;\ return;\ }\ }\ tab = aTab;' )); } else { // for Firefox 3.0 // eval("gBrowser." + _removeTab + " =" + gBrowser[_removeTab].toString().replace( 'var l = this.mTabContainer.childNodes.length;', 'if (aTab.hasAttribute("protected")) return; \ aTab.clearTimeouts(); \ $&' ).replace( 'var oldTab = aTab;', '$& TMP_onRemoveTab(oldTab, oldBrowser); \ var tabmixIndex = this.selectIndexAfterRemove(oldTab); \ if (tabmixIndex > oldTab._tPos) tabmixIndex--;' ).replace( 'this.selectedTab = this.mTabContainer.childNodes[newIndex];', 'this.mTabContainer.nextTab = 1; \ if (tabmixIndex > -1) newIndex = tabmixIndex; \ $&' ).replace( 'this.addTab("about:blank");', 'if (this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.keepLastTab")) \ return; \ aTab.collapsed = true; \ TMP_BrowserOpenTab(null, true);' )); } eval("gBrowser.mTabContainer._selectNewTab" + " ="+gBrowser.mTabContainer._selectNewTab.toString().replace( '{', '{if(!this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.mouseDownSelect") && arguments.callee.caller.name == "setTab") return; ' )); eval("BrowserCloseTabOrWindow ="+BrowserCloseTabOrWindow.toString().replace( /closeWindow\(true\);/g, 'TMP_closeLastTab();' ).replace( /gBrowser.removeCurrentTab\(\);/g, 'TMP_closeLastTab();' ).replace( /gBrowser.removeCurrentTab\(true\);/g, 'TMP_closeLastTab();' ).replace( 'BrowserCloseWindow();', 'TMP_closeLastTab();' )); //don't open link from external application in new window when in single window mode //don't open link from external application in current tab if the tab is locked var _openURI = nsBrowserAccess.prototype.openURI.toString(); if (gIsFirefox35) { // after Bug 324164 - Unify Single Window Mode Preferences _openURI = _openURI.replace( 'aWhere = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.link.open_newwindow");', 'if (isExternal) aWhere = TMP_getIntPref("", "browser.link.open_external",3); \ else $&' ).replace( 'let loadBlankFirst =', '$& currentIsBlank ||' ); } _openURI = _openURI.replace( 'switch (aWhere) {', 'if (gSingleWindowMode && aWhere == Ci.nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NEWWINDOW) {\ aWhere = Ci.nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NEWTAB;}\ if (aWhere != Ci.nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NEWWINDOW && aWhere != Ci.nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NEWTAB){\ var isLockTab = TMP_whereToOpen(null).lock; if(isLockTab) aWhere = Ci.nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NEWTAB;}\ $&' ).replace( '("browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground");', '$& \ let currentIsBlank = win.gBrowser.isBlankNotBusyTab(win.gBrowser.mCurrentTab);' ).replace( 'win.gBrowser.loadOneTab', 'currentIsBlank ? win.gBrowser.mCurrentTab : $&' ).replace( 'if (needToFocusWin', 'if (currentIsBlank && !loadInBackground)\ win.content.focus();\ $&' ); eval("nsBrowserAccess.prototype.openURI ="+_openURI); //inverse focus of middle/ctrl/meta clicked links eval("openNewTabWith ="+openNewTabWith.toString().replace( 'if (aEvent && aEvent.shiftKey)', 'if (aEvent && (aEvent.button == 1 || aEvent.button == 0 && ( aEvent.ctrlKey || aEvent.metaKey )) && (prefSvc.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.inversefocusLinks") || !prefSvc.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.inversefocusLinks") && aEvent.shiftKey))' )); eval("FillHistoryMenu ="+FillHistoryMenu.toString().replace( /entry.title/g, 'menuItemTitle(entry)' )); // Chromin Frame put gBrowser.updateTitlebar in gChrominFrame._origupdateTitlebar var chrominFrame = "gChrominFrame" in window && "_origupdateTitlebar" in gChrominFrame; var fnName = chrominFrame ? "_origupdateTitlebar" : "updateTitlebar"; var objName = chrominFrame ? "gChrominFrame" : "gBrowser"; eval(objName + "." + fnName + " ="+window[objName][fnName].toString().replace( 'if (!docTitle)', 'var url = this.contentDocument.baseURI || this.currentURI.spec; \ if (this.mCurrentTab.getAttribute("label-uri") == url || this.mCurrentTab.getAttribute("label-uri") == "*") docTitle = this.mCurrentTab.getAttribute("fixed-label"); \ else docTitle = getTitleFromBookmark(url, docTitle, this.mCurrentTab.getAttribute("tabmix_bookmarkId")); \ $&' )); eval("gBrowser.setTabTitle ="+gBrowser.setTabTitle.toString().replace( 'if (!title) {', 'if (gWidthFitTitle) { var cIndex = this.mTabContainer.selectedIndex; \ var currentTabVisible = this.mTabContainer.isTabVisible(cIndex); } \ var url = browser.contentDocument.baseURI || browser.currentURI.spec; \ if (aTab.getAttribute("label-uri") == url || aTab.getAttribute("label-uri") == "*") title = aTab.getAttribute("fixed-label"); \ else title = getTitleFromBookmark(url, title, aTab.getAttribute("tabmix_bookmarkId")); \ $&' ).replace( 'aTab.setAttribute("crop", crop);', <![CDATA[$& if (aTab.hasAttribute("mergeselected")) aTab.label = "(*) " + aTab.label; if (gWidthFitTitle) { let width; if (aTab.hasAttribute("width")) { width = aTab.boxObject.width; aTab.removeAttribute("width"); } let newWidth = aTab.boxObject.width; if (newWidth && newWidth != width) { tabBarScrollStatus(); checkBeforeAndAfter(); if (currentTabVisible) this.mTabContainer.ensureTabIsVisible(cIndex); } } ]]> )); eval("window.BrowserGoHome ="+window.BrowserGoHome.toString().replace( 'var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent);', '$& \ if (where == "current" && TMP_whereToOpen(false).inNew) where = "tab";' ).replace( 'var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, true);', '$& \ if (where == "current" && TMP_whereToOpen(false).inNew) where = "tab";' )); // before Firfox 3.6 newWindowButtonObserver.onDragOver return true and from version 3.6 return witout value var newString = gIsFirefox36 ? "return;" : "return true;"; eval("newWindowButtonObserver.onDragOver ="+newWindowButtonObserver.onDragOver.toString().replace( '{', '{ \ if (gSingleWindowMode) { \ if (!aEvent.target.hasAttribute("disabled")) \ aEvent.target.setAttribute("disabled", true);\ NEWSTRING \ }' ).replace('NEWSTRING', newString)); eval("newWindowButtonObserver.onDrop ="+newWindowButtonObserver.onDrop.toString().replace( '{', '{ if (gSingleWindowMode) return;' )); // fix webSearch to open new tab if tab is lock eval("BrowserSearch.webSearch ="+BrowserSearch.webSearch.toString().replace( 'loadURI(searchForm, null, null, false);', 'gBrowser.TMP_openURI(searchForm);' )); gBrowser.TMP_openURI = function (uri) { var openNewTab = TMP_whereToOpen(true).lock; if (openNewTab) this.loadOneTab(uri, null, null, null, false, false); else loadURI(uri, null, null, false); } // Firefox 3.6 gIsFirefox36 // warnAboutClosingWindow in window from Bug 354894 29/07/2009 if ("warnAboutClosingWindow" in window) { eval("warnAboutClosingWindow ="+warnAboutClosingWindow.toString().replace( /return gBrowser.warnAboutClosingTabs\(true\);/g, 'return TMP_closeWindow(true);' ).replace( 'os.notifyObservers(null, "browser-lastwindow-close-granted", null);', 'if (!(/^Mac/.test(navigator.platform)) && !TMP_closeWindow(true)) return false;\ $&' )); eval("closeWindow ="+closeWindow.toString().replace( 'else if (windowCount != 1', 'else if (windowCount == 1 && !inPrivateBrowsing && !TMP_closeWindow()) return false;\ $&' )); } else { /* For Firefox 3.0 */ eval("WindowIsClosing ="+WindowIsClosing.toString().replace( 'return closeWindow(false,', 'return TMP_closeWindow(); $&' ).replace( // Firefox 3.5 'var reallyClose = closeWindow(false, function () {return gBrowser.warnAboutClosingTabs(true);});', 'var reallyClose = TMP_closeWindow();' )); } eval("goQuitApplication ="+goQuitApplication.toString().replace( 'var appStartup', 'if(!SessionManager.canQuitApplication()) \ return false; \ $&' )); eval("HistoryMenu.toggleRecentlyClosedTabs ="+HistoryMenu.toggleRecentlyClosedTabs.toString().replace( 'if (ss.getClosedTabCount(window) == 0)', 'if (TMP_ClosedTabs.count == 0)' )); // disable undo closed window when single window mode is on if (gIsFirefox35) { eval("HistoryMenu.toggleRecentlyClosedWindows ="+HistoryMenu.toggleRecentlyClosedWindows.toString().replace( 'if (this._ss.getClosedWindowCount() == 0)', 'if (this._ss.getClosedWindowCount() == 0 || gSingleWindowMode)' )); eval("HistoryMenu.populateUndoWindowSubmenu ="+HistoryMenu.populateUndoWindowSubmenu.toString().replace( 'var undoPopup = document.getElementById("historyUndoWindowPopup");', 'var id = arguments.length == 1 ? arguments[0] : "historyUndoWindowPopup"; \ var undoPopup = document.getElementById(id);' ).replace( 'undoPopup.appendChild(m);', 'm.setAttribute("value", i); \ m.addEventListener("click", SessionManager.checkForMiddleClick, false); \ $&' ).replace( 'm.id = "menu_restoreAllWindows";', '$& \ m.setAttribute("value", -2);' ).replace( 'var m = undoPopup.appendChild(document.createElement("menuitem"));', '$& \ m.id = "menu_clearClosedWindowsList"; \ var strings = document.getElementById("tmp-string-bundle"); \ m.setAttribute("label", strings.getString("undoClosedWindows.clear.label")); \ m.setAttribute("accesskey", strings.getString("undoClosedWindows.clear.accesskey")); \ m.setAttribute("value", -1); \ m.setAttribute("oncommand", "SessionManager.forgetClosedWindow(-1);"); \ m = undoPopup.appendChild(document.createElement("menuitem"));' )); var popup = document.getElementById("historyUndoWindowPopup"); if (popup) popup.setAttribute("contextmenu", "tm_undocloseWindowContextMenu"); } // check multi-row status when we get out of fullscreen eval("FullScreen.mouseoverToggle="+FullScreen.mouseoverToggle.toString().replace( 'gBrowser.mStrip.setAttribute("moz-collapsed", !aShow);', 'if (aShow && gHideTabBar != 2) gTMPprefObserver.setTabBarVisibility(true); \ else $&' )); if (gisToolbarMode) { // after bug 347930 - change Tab strip to be a toolbar eval("gBrowser.setStripVisibilityTo ="+gBrowser.setStripVisibilityTo.toString().replace( 'if (this._toolbar && this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.autoHide"))', 'if (this._toolbar && (!aShow || gHideTabBar != 2))' )); // add tabs-toolbar to the toolbar popup list when the tabbar is on the bottom eval("onViewToolbarsPopupShowing="+onViewToolbarsPopupShowing.toString().replace( /(\})(\)?)$/, 'TMP_onViewToolbarsPopupShowing(popup, firstMenuItem); \ $1$2' )); // make sure that tabs-toolbar is on the top before we enter customize toolbar mode var _command = document.getElementById("cmd_CustomizeToolbars"); if (_command) _command.setAttribute("oncommand", "TMP_BrowserCustomizeToolbar();" + _command.getAttribute("oncommand")); } else { eval("gBrowser.setStripVisibilityTo ="+gBrowser.setStripVisibilityTo.toString().replace( 'this.mStrip.collapsed = !aShow;', 'if (!aShow || gHideTabBar != 2) $&' )); } /* * * Fix compatibility with other extensions * */ // linkification extension if ("objLinkify" in window && "ClickLink" in objLinkify) eval("objLinkify.ClickLink ="+objLinkify.ClickLink.toString().replace( 'if (bOpenWindow)', 'if (bOpenWindow && !gSingleWindowMode)' ).replace( 'if (bOpenTab)', 'if (bOpenTab || TMP_whereToOpen(null).lock)' )); // trigger tabmix function when user change tab width with faviconize extension if ("faviconize" in window && "toggle" in faviconize) eval("faviconize.toggle = " + faviconize.toggle.toString().replace( /}$/, 'tabBarScrollStatus(); checkBeforeAndAfter(); $&' )); // make ChromaTabs extension compatible with Tabmix Plus if ("CHROMATABS" in window) eval("CHROMATABS.colorizeTab ="+CHROMATABS.colorizeTab.toString().replace( 'node = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "class", "tab-image-left");', 'node = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "class", "tab-image-left tab-startcap tab-left tab-left-border");' ).replace( 'node = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "class", "tab-image-middle");', 'node = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "class", "tab-middle box-inherit tab-image-middle tab-body");' ).replace( 'node = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "class", "tab-close-button");', 'node = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "anonid", "tmp-close-button");' ).replace( 'node = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "class", "tab-image-right");', 'node = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "class", "tab-image-right tab-endcap tab-right tab-right-border");' )); // fix bug in superDargandGo try { if ("superDrag" in window) eval("contentAreaDNDObserver.onDrop ="+contentAreaDNDObserver.onDrop.toString().replace( 'document.firstChild.getAttribute("windowtype")', 'window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype")' ).replace( 'preventBubble()', 'stopPropagation()' )); } catch (ex) {} // make URL Suffix extension compatible with tabmix if ("objURLsuffix" in window) { if ("handleURLBarCommand" in objURLsuffix) eval("objURLsuffix.handleURLBarCommand ="+objURLsuffix.handleURLBarCommand.toString().replace( 'objURLsuffix.BrowserLoadURL(aTriggeringEvent, postData.value, altDisabled);', 'TMP_BrowserLoadURL(aTriggeringEvent, postData.value, altDisabled);' ).replace( 'objURLsuffix.BrowserLoadURL(aTriggeringEvent, postData.value);', 'TMP_BrowserLoadURL(aTriggeringEvent, postData.value, true);' )); if ("canonizeUrl" in objURLsuffix) eval("objURLsuffix.canonizeUrl ="+objURLsuffix.canonizeUrl.toString().replace( 'return [gURLBar.value, aPostDataRef];', 'return [gURLBar.value, aPostDataRef, true];' )); window.handleURLBarCommand = objURLsuffix.handleURLBarCommand; } if ("TreeStyleTabBrowser" in window) { // TreeStyleTabBrowser replace boxObject.x to boxObject.y but we change boxObject.x to boxObject.screenX function replaceHorizontalProps(aString) { return aString.replace( /boxObject\.screenX/g, 'boxObject[screenPosProp]' ).replace( '{', '{var screenPosProp = gBrowser.treeStyleTab.isVertical ? "screenY" : "screenX" ;' ) } if (!TreeStyleTabService.getTreePref('TMP.doNotUpdate.isTabVisible')) eval('gBrowser.mTabContainer.isTabVisible = '+ replaceHorizontalProps(gBrowser.mTabContainer.isTabVisible.toSource())); eval('gBrowser.mTabContainer.ensureTabIsVisible = '+ replaceHorizontalProps(gBrowser.mTabContainer.ensureTabIsVisible.toSource().replace())); /* * TST have eval to TMP_Bookmark.openGroup * we replace TMP_Bookmark.openGroup with TMP_Places.openGroup at Tabmix * we also replace call to TreeStyleTabService.openGroupBookmarkBehavior(); * with aOpenGroupBookmarkBehavior that we pass from PlacesUIUtils._openTabset * we only call this functiom from browserWindow so we don't need to call it for * other places windows */ eval("TMP_Places.openGroup ="+TMP_Places.openGroup.toString().replace( /(function[^\(]*\([^\)]+)(\))/, '$1, TSTOpenGroupBookmarkBehavior$2' ).replace( '{', '{if (TSTOpenGroupBookmarkBehavior == null) TSTOpenGroupBookmarkBehavior = TreeStyleTabService.openGroupBookmarkBehavior();' ).replace( 'index = prevTab._tPos + 1;', <![CDATA[ index = gBrowser.treeStyleTab.getNextSiblingTab(gBrowser.treeStyleTab.getRootTab(prevTab)); if (tabToSelect == aTab) index = gBrowser.treeStyleTab.getNextSiblingTab(index); index = index ? index._tPos : (prevTab._tPos + 1); ]]> ).replace( /(prevTab = aTab;)/, <![CDATA[ $1 if (tabToSelect == aTab && TSTOpenGroupBookmarkBehavior & TreeStyleTabService.kGROUP_BOOKMARK_SUBTREE) { TreeStyleTabService.readyToOpenChildTab(tabToSelect, true, gBrowser.treeStyleTab.getNextSiblingTab(tabToSelect)); } ]]> ).replace( /(tabBar.nextTab)/, <![CDATA[ if (TSTOpenGroupBookmarkBehavior & TreeStyleTabService.kGROUP_BOOKMARK_SUBTREE) TreeStyleTabService.stopToOpenChildTab(tabToSelect); $1]]> )); // the hack in tree style tab code is obsolete var fn = TMP_openMultipleLinks.toString(); fn = fn.split("return true;"); fn[fn.length-2] += "if (!check) { TreeStyleTabService.stopToOpenChildTab(focusedWindow); };\n" eval("TMP_openMultipleLinks ="+fn.join("return true;").replace( 'while (nextEpisode != null)', 'if (!check) TreeStyleTabService.readyToOpenChildTab(focusedWindow, true); \ $&' )); eval("TreeStyleTabBrowser.prototype.onTabClick ="+TreeStyleTabBrowser.prototype.onTabClick.toString().replace( 'var tab = this.getTabFromTabbarEvent(aEvent);', '$& \ if (!tab) return;' )); if("bookmarkMultipleTabs" in window['piro.sakura.ne.jp']) { eval("window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].bookmarkMultipleTabs.addBookmarkTabsFilter ="+window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].bookmarkMultipleTabs.addBookmarkTabsFilter.toString().replace( 'return aTab.linkedBrowser.currentURI;', 'var browser = aTab.linkedBrowser; \ var uri = browser.currentURI; \ return {uri: uri, title: TMP_Places.getTabFixedTitle(browser, uri)};' )); } } /* fast dial FdUtils*/ if ("FdUtils" in window && FdUtils.whereToOpenLink) { eval("FdUtils.whereToOpenLink ="+FdUtils.whereToOpenLink.toString().replace( 'if (e.ctrlKey)', 'if (e.ctrlKey || TMP_whereToOpen(null).lock)' )); } // with MR Tech's local install extention // don't open trober in current tab when tab is locked // or trober is to diffrent site then the current if (typeof(Local_Install) == "object") eval("Local_Install.openThrobber ="+Local_Install.openThrobber.toString().replace( 'local_common.openURL(local_common.getThrobberURL(), inNewTab);', 'var url = local_common.getThrobberURL(); \ local_common.openURL(url, inNewTab ? inNewTab : TMP_checkCurrent(url) == "tab");' )); // unable to close surce tab after duplicate with FireGestures esextension if ("FireGestures" in window) eval("FireGestures._performAction ="+FireGestures._performAction.toString().replace( 'gBrowser.moveTabTo(newTab, ++orgTab._tPos);', 'gBrowser.moveTabTo(newTab, orgTab._tPos + 1);' )); gBrowser.TMP_openTabNext = function _TMP_openTabNext(aTab, aCaller) { var blockedCallers = {sss_restoreWindow:true, ct_SSS_undoCloseTab:true, TMP_BrowserOpenTab:true}; if (aCaller in blockedCallers) return; // the fix in TreeStyleTabBrowser 0.8.2009073102 hacks.js make new tab open in wrong place // when tab don't have Child tabs if (this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.openTabNext")) { this.TMmoveTabTo(aTab, this.mCurrentTab._tPos + this.mTabContainer.nextTab,1); if (this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.openTabNextInverse")) this.mTabContainer.nextTab++; } } gBrowser.TMmoveTabTo = function _TMmoveTabTo(aTab, aIndex, flag) { if ( aTab._tPos == aIndex ) return aTab; if(!(flag & 1)) this.mTabContainer.nextTab = 1; this._browsers = null; // invalidate cache this.mTabFilters.splice(aIndex,0,this.mTabFilters.splice(aTab._tPos, 1)[0]); this.mTabListeners.splice(aIndex,0,this.mTabListeners.splice(aTab._tPos, 1)[0]); var tabCount = this.mTabContainer.childNodes.length; var newPos = tabCount - 1 < aIndex ? tabCount - 1 : aIndex; var oldPosition = aTab._tPos; aIndex = aIndex < aTab._tPos ? aIndex: aIndex+1; this.mCurrentTab._selected = false; // use .item() instead of [] because dragging to the end of the strip goes out of // bounds: .item() returns null (so it acts like appendChild), but [] throws this.mTabContainer.insertBefore(aTab, this.mTabContainer.childNodes.item(aIndex)); // invalidate cache, because mTabContainer is about to change this._browsers = null; var i; for (i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) { this.mTabContainer.childNodes[i]._tPos = i; this.mTabContainer.childNodes[i]._selected = false; } this.mCurrentTab._selected = true; var evt = document.createEvent("UIEvents"); evt.initUIEvent("TabMove", true, false, window, oldPosition); aTab.dispatchEvent(evt); SessionManager.tabMoved(aTab, oldPosition, newPos); this.mTabContainer.ensureTabIsVisible(aTab._tPos); return aTab; } gBrowser.duplicateTab = function tabbrowser_duplicateTab(aTab, aHref, aTabData, disallowSelect) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; var newTab = null; // try to have SessionStore duplicate the given tab newTab = this.SSS_duplicateTab(aTab, aHref, aTabData); if(!newTab && aTabData) throw new Error("Tabmix was unable to restore closed tab to new window"); // if SSS_duplicateTab failed fall back to TMP_duplicateTab if(!newTab) newTab = this.TMP_duplicateTab(aTab, aHref); content.focus(); var bgPref = this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.loadDuplicateInBackground"); var copyToNewWindow = window != aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (!disallowSelect && !bgPref) { newTab.owner = copyToNewWindow ? null : aTab; this.TMP_selectNewForegroundTab(newTab, bgPref, aHref || this.getBrowserForTab(aTab).currentURI.spec, false); } if (!disallowSelect && !copyToNewWindow && this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.openDuplicateNext")) { var pos = newTab._tPos > aTab._tPos ? 1 : 0; this.TMmoveTabTo(newTab, aTab._tPos+pos); } return newTab; } gBrowser.SSS_duplicateTab = function tabbrowser_SSS_duplicateTab(aTab, aHref, aTabData) { var newTab = null; try { var newTab, tabState; // add new history entry after current index, and removing forword history function addNewHistoryEntry() { var activeIndex = (tabState.index || tabState.entries.length) - 1; var entriesToRemove = tabState.entries.length - tabState.index; var newEntry = { url: aHref }; // we don't know the page title at this moment tabState.entries.splice(activeIndex + 1 , entriesToRemove, newEntry); tabState.index++; } // we need to update history title after the new page loaded for use in back/forword button var self = this; function updateNewHistoryTitle(aEvent) { this.removeEventListener("load", updateNewHistoryTitle, true); var history = this.webNavigation.sessionHistory; var shEntry = history.getEntryAtIndex(history.index, false).QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHEntry); shEntry.setTitle(self.getTabForBrowser(this).label); } var ss = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISessionStore); tabState = aTabData ? aTabData.state : eval("(" + ss.getTabState(aTab) + ")"); TMP_SessionStore.removeWyciwyg(tabState); newTab = this.addTab("about:blank"); if (aHref) { addNewHistoryEntry(); this.getBrowserForTab(newTab).addEventListener("load", updateNewHistoryTitle, true); } ss.setTabState(newTab, tabState.toSource()); } catch (ex) {TMP_ASSERT(ex);} return newTab; } gBrowser.TMP_duplicateTab = function tabbrowser_TMP_duplicateTab(aTab, href) { try { var aBrowser = this.getBrowserForTab(aTab); var originalHistory = aBrowser.webNavigation.sessionHistory; var newTab = this.addTab("about:blank"); var newBrowser = this.getBrowserForTab(newTab); var prop = SessionData.getTabProperties(aTab); SessionData.setTabProperties(newTab, prop); newBrowser.addEventListener('load', dupScrollPosition, true); //save scroll data and href to load after we clone tab history var bContent = aBrowser.contentWindow; newBrowser._scrollData = { href: href, _scrollX: bContent.scrollX, _scrollY: bContent.scrollY }; dtMergeWindows.cloneTabHistory(newBrowser.webNavigation, dtMergeWindows.copyHistory(originalHistory)); } catch (ex) {TMP_ASSERT(ex);} return newTab; } gBrowser.duplicateInWindow = function (aTab, aMoveTab, aTabData) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; if (gSingleWindowMode) { if (!aMoveTab) this.duplicateTab(aTab, null, aTabData); return; } if (gIsFirefox35 && aMoveTab) { this.replaceTabWithWindow(aTab); return; } function _restoreWindow(aWindow, aCount) { // use getBrowser() for Firefox 3.0 var tabBrowser = aWindow.getBrowser(); // make sure sessionHistory is ready try { if (!tabBrowser.webNavigation.sessionHistory) { throw new Error(); } } catch (ex) { // in case browser or history aren't ready yet if (aCount < 10) { var restoreHistoryFunc = function() {_restoreWindow(aWindow, aCount + 1); } aWindow.setTimeout(restoreHistoryFunc, 100); return; } } var oldTab = aWindow._duplicateData.tab; var tabData = aWindow._duplicateData.tabData; var sourceWindow = aWindow.opener; // we don't have to do anything if the openr not exist, or we copy only tabdata var moveMode = aWindow._duplicateData.move && sourceWindow && !tabData; if (moveMode) { var sourceBrowser = sourceWindow.gBrowser; } // remove unused blank tab var blankTabToRemove = null; if (tabBrowser.isBlankNotBusyTab(tabBrowser.mCurrentTab)) { blankTabToRemove = tabBrowser.mCurrentTab; blankTabToRemove.collapsed = true; } var newTab = tabBrowser.duplicateTab(oldTab, null, tabData); if (blankTabToRemove) tabBrowser.removeTab(blankTabToRemove); // make sure the new tab is in the end var lastIndex = tabBrowser.mTabContainer.childNodes.length - 1; if (newTab._tPos < lastIndex) tabBrowser.moveTabTo(newTab, lastIndex); // remove old tab and close the other window if _duplicateTab was its last tab if (moveMode) { var needToClose = "needToClose" in sourceWindow; if (oldTab.parentNode) { // make sure the tab still exist before we try to remove it needToClose = needToClose || sourceBrowser.mTabContainer.childNodes.length == 1; oldTab.removeAttribute("protected"); sourceBrowser.removeTab(oldTab); } if (needToClose) sourceWindow.closeWindow(true); } delete newWindow._duplicateData; } // we going to delete the moved tab after some timeout catch the flag now // we use this only if the tab was not exist anymore when its time to remove it if (aMoveTab && this.mTabContainer.childNodes.length == 1) window.needToClose = true; // open new window var newWindow = window.openDialog( getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no"); newWindow.tabmix_afterTabduplicated = true; newWindow._duplicateData = {tab: aTab, tabData: aTabData, move: aMoveTab}; newWindow.addEventListener("load", function (aEvent) { var win = aEvent.currentTarget; win.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false); // make sure sessionstore is init try { var ss = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1"]. getService(Ci.nsISessionStore); ss.init(win); } catch(ex) { dump("nsSessionStore could not be initialized: " + ex + "\n"); return; } _restoreWindow(win, 0); }, false); } gBrowser.openLinkWithHistory = function (aTab) { var url = gContextMenu.linkURL; if (!isValidUrl(url)) url = null; var newTab = this.duplicateTab(aTab, url, null, url == null); if (!url) { try { // flip aTab with newTab // and dispatch click event on the link.... newTab.removeAttribute("busy"); this.setIcon(newTab, this.getBrowserForTab(aTab).mIconURL); newTab.label = aTab.label; newTab.width = aTab.width; var index = newTab._tPos; this.TMmoveTabTo(newTab, aTab._tPos); var pos = index > aTab._tPos ? 1 : 0; this.TMmoveTabTo(aTab, index + pos); if (this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.loadDuplicateInBackground")) { this.selectedTab = newTab; aTab.removeAttribute("visited"); aTab.removeAttribute("flst_id"); } else { aTab.owner = newTab; this.selectedTab = aTab; newTab.setAttribute("flst_id", new Date().getTime()); newTab.setAttribute("visited", true); newTab.setAttribute("dontremovevisited", true); aTab.setAttribute("flst_id", new Date().getTime()); } var event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("click", true, true); event.getPreventDefault = function () { return false; } gContextMenu.target.dispatchEvent(event); newTab = aTab; } catch (ex) {TMP_ASSERT(ex);} } return newTab; } gBrowser.openHereWith = function () { var url = gContextMenu.linkURL; if (!isValidUrl(url)) return; openUILinkIn(gContextMenu.linkURL, "current", null, null, gContextMenu.target.ownerDocument.documentURIObject); } gBrowser.openInverseLink = function () { var url = gContextMenu.linkURL; if (!isValidUrl(url)) return null; // aTab is for treeStyleTab extension look in treeStyleTab hacks.js var aTab = this.selectedTab; var bgPref = this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground"); var newTab = this.loadOneTab(url, null, null, null, !bgPref, true); if (url == "about:blank") setURLBarFocus(); return newTab; } window.isValidUrl = function (aUrl) { // valid urls don't contain spaces ' '; if we have a space it isn't a valid url. // Also disallow dropping javascript: or data: urls--bail out if (!aUrl || !aUrl.length || aUrl.indexOf(" ", 0) != -1 || /^\s*(javascript|data):/.test(aUrl)) return false; return true; } gBrowser.closeAllTabs = function TMP_closeAllTabs() { if (this.warnAboutClosingTabs("All")) { var childNodes = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; if (this.mTabContainer.collapsedTabs > 0) this.mTabContainer.collapsedTabs = 0; for (var i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (childNodes[i] != this.mCurrentTab) this.removeTab(childNodes[i], true); } this.removeTab(this.mCurrentTab, true); // _handleTabSelect will call ensureTabIsVisible } } gBrowser.closeGroupTabs = function TMP_closeGroupTabs(aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; var URL = this.getBrowserForTab(aTab).currentURI.spec; var matches = URL.match(/(^.*\/)(.*)/); var aDomain = matches ? matches[1] : URL; if (this.warnAboutClosingTabs("Group", null, null, aDomain)) { var childNodes = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; if (this.mTabContainer.collapsedTabs > 0) this.mTabContainer.collapsedTabs = 0; for (var i = childNodes.length - 1; i > -1; --i) { if (childNodes[i] != aTab && this.getBrowserForTab(childNodes[i]).currentURI.spec.indexOf(aDomain) != -1) this.removeTab(childNodes[i], true); } this.removeTab(aTab, true); this.mTabContainer.ensureTabIsVisible(this.mTabContainer.selectedIndex); } } gBrowser.closeRightTabs = function (aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; if (this.warnAboutClosingTabs("Right", aTab._tPos)) { if ( aTab._tPos < this.mCurrentTab._tPos ) this.mTabContainer.selectedItem = aTab; var childNodes = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; for (var i = childNodes.length - 1; i > aTab._tPos; i-- ) this.removeTab(childNodes[i], true); } } gBrowser.closeLeftTabs = function TMP_closeLeftTabs(aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; if (this.warnAboutClosingTabs("Left", aTab._tPos)) { if ( aTab._tPos > this.mCurrentTab._tPos ) { this.mTabContainer.selectedItem = aTab; } this.mTabContainer.ensureTabIsVisible(this.mTabContainer.selectedIndex); var childNodes = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; if (this.mTabContainer.collapsedTabs > 0) this.mTabContainer.collapsedTabs = 0; for (var i = aTab._tPos - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) this.removeTab(childNodes[i], true); } } gBrowser.removeAllTabsBut = function TMP_removeAllTabsBut(aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; if (this.warnAboutClosingTabs("AllBut", null, aTab.hasAttribute("protected"))) { if (aTab != this.mCurrentTab) { this.mTabContainer.selectedItem = aTab; } this.mTabContainer.ensureTabIsVisible(this.mTabContainer.selectedIndex); var childNodes = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; if (this.mTabContainer.collapsedTabs > 0) this.mTabContainer.collapsedTabs = 0; for (var i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (childNodes[i] != aTab) this.removeTab(childNodes[i], true); } } } gBrowser.reloadLeftTabs = function (aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; var childNodes = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; if ( aTab._tPos > this.mCurrentTab._tPos ) this.mTabContainer.selectedItem = aTab; for (var i = aTab._tPos - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { try { this.getBrowserForTab(childNodes[i]).reload(); } catch (e) { } } } gBrowser.reloadRightTabs = function (aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; var childNodes = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; if ( aTab._tPos < this.mCurrentTab._tPos ) this.mTabContainer.selectedItem = aTab; for (var i = childNodes.length - 1; i > aTab._tPos; i-- ) { try { this.getBrowserForTab(childNodes[i]).reload(); } catch (e) { } } } gBrowser.reloadAllTabsBut = function (aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; else this.mTabContainer.selectedItem = aTab; var childNodes = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; for (var i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (childNodes[i] == aTab) continue; try { this.getBrowserForTab(childNodes[i]).reload(); } catch (e) { } } } // we keep this function to saty compatible with other extensions that use it gBrowser.undoRemoveTab = function () { TMP_ClosedTabs.undoCloseTab(); } gBrowser.delayUndoRemoveAllTab = function () { // call undoRemoveAllTab after delay to let the popup menu time to hide var _this = this; window.setTimeout( function () { _this.undoRemoveAllTab(); }, 0 ); } gBrowser.undoRemoveAllTab = function () { if (!PlacesController.prototype._confirmOpenTabs(this.closedTabs.length)) return; var aTab, blankTab, newTab, selectTab = true; // catch blank tab for reuse var blankTabs = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.mTabs.length ; i++) { aTab = this.mTabs[i]; if (this.isBlankNotBusyTab(aTab)) { aTab.reuse = true; blankTabs.push(aTab); } } while (this.closedTabs.length > 0) { aTab = getClosedTab("original", 0); blankTab = blankTabs.pop(); newTab = (blankTab) ? blankTab : this.addTab("about:blank"); this.restoreTabData(newTab, aTab.pos, aTab.history, aTab.properties, aTab.scroll, selectTab); selectTab = false; // for TreeStyleTab extension if ("TreeStyleTabBrowser" in window && this.treeStyleTab && this.treeStyleTab.useTMPSessionAPI) this.treeStyleTab.onTabRestored({ target : newTab, originalTarget : newTab }); } // remove unused blank tabs while(blankTabs.length > 0){ blankTab = blankTabs.pop(); this.removeTab(blankTab); } this.mTabContainer.nextTab = 1 } gBrowser.restoreTab = function tabbrowser_restoreTab(ord, hist, prop, zoom) { // reuse blanke tab var newTab = this.selectedTab; if (!newTab.parentNode || !this.isBlankNotBusyTab(newTab)) newTab = this.addTab("about:blank"); this.restoreTabData(newTab, ord, hist, prop, zoom, true); return newTab; } gBrowser.restoreTabData = function tabbrowser_restoreTabData(newTab, ord, hist, prop, zoom, selectTab) { var newBrowser = this.getBrowserForTab(newTab); var restorePosition = this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.undoClosePosition"); var newPos; var lastIndex = this.mTabContainer.childNodes.length - 1; if ( restorePosition ) { newPos = ord > lastIndex ? lastIndex : ord; this.TMmoveTabTo(newTab, newPos); } else if (newTab.reuse) { // move reuse tabs to the end when restore all closed tabs list var openTabNext = this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.openTabNext"); newPos = openTabNext ? this.mCurrentTab._tPos + this.mTabContainer.nextTab++ : lastIndex; this.TMmoveTabTo(newTab, newPos, 1); if (newTab != this.mCurrentTab) newTab.removeAttribute("flst_id"); delete newTab.reuse; } SessionData.setTabProperties(newTab, prop); var oldHistory = hist; var newHistory = newBrowser.webNavigation.sessionHistory; // reset old history if (newHistory.count > 0) { newHistory.PurgeHistory(newHistory.count); } newHistory.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISHistoryInternal); for (var i = 0; i < oldHistory.count; i++) { newHistory.addEntry(oldHistory.getEntryAtIndex(i, false), true); } if( oldHistory.count ) { try { newBrowser.webNavigation.gotoIndex(oldHistory.index); } catch (e) {} } // call to set scroll Position for restored closed tab from prev session if (zoom && zoom != "0,0,1") { newBrowser.addEventListener('load', dupScrollPosition, true); newBrowser._scrollData = { href: null, _scrollX: XYZ[0], _scrollY: XYZ[1] } } if (selectTab) { this.selectedTab = newTab; // focus the tab's content area setTimeout(function(_content) { _content.focus(); }, 0, newBrowser.contentWindow); } return newTab; } gBrowser.lockTab = function (aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; if ( aTab.hasAttribute("locked") ) { aTab.removeAttribute("locked"); aTab.setAttribute("_locked", "false"); } else { aTab.setAttribute("locked", "true"); aTab.setAttribute("_locked", "true"); } SessionManager.updateTabProp(aTab); } gBrowser.protectTab = function (aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; if ( aTab.hasAttribute("protected") ) aTab.removeAttribute("protected"); else aTab.setAttribute("protected", "true"); SessionManager.updateTabProp(aTab); } gBrowser.freezeTab = function (aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; if ( !aTab.hasAttribute("protected") || !aTab.hasAttribute("locked")){ aTab.setAttribute("protected", "true"); aTab.setAttribute("locked", "true"); aTab.setAttribute("_locked", "true"); } else { aTab.removeAttribute("protected"); aTab.removeAttribute("locked"); aTab.setAttribute("_locked", "false"); } SessionManager.updateTabProp(aTab); } gBrowser.SelectToMerge = function(aTab) { if (gSingleWindowMode && numberOfWindows() == 1) return; if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; if (aTab.hasAttribute("mergeselected")) { aTab.removeAttribute("mergeselected"); aTab.label = aTab.label.substr(4); } else { aTab.setAttribute("mergeselected", "true") aTab.label = "(*) "+aTab.label; } if (gWidthFitTitle) { tabBarScrollStatus(); checkBeforeAndAfter(); } } gBrowser.onSetReloadTime = function(aTab, aReloadTime) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; aTab.autoReloadTime = aReloadTime; this.mPrefs.setIntPref("extensions.tabmix.reload_time", aTab.autoReloadTime); this.enableAutoReload(aTab); } gBrowser.onAutoReloadEnable = function (aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; if (aTab.autoReloadEnabled) this.disableAutoReload(aTab); else this.enableAutoReload(aTab); } gBrowser.enableAutoReload = function(aTab) { var url = this.getBrowserForTab(aTab).currentURI.spec if (url.match(/^about:/)) return; aTab.autoReloadEnabled = true; aTab.autoReloadURI = url; clearTimeout(aTab.autoReloadTimerID); aTab.autoReloadTimerID = setTimeout(reloadPage, aTab.autoReloadTime*1000, aTab); aTab.setAttribute("reload-data", aTab.autoReloadURI + " " + aTab.autoReloadTime); } gBrowser.disableAutoReload = function (aTab) { aTab.autoReloadEnabled = false; aTab.autoReloadURI = null; aTab.postDataAcceptedByUser = false; clearTimeout(aTab.autoReloadTimerID); aTab.removeAttribute("reload-data"); } gBrowser.onEnableAutoReloadAllTabs = function () { var tabs = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; for(var i=0; i<tabs.length; i++){ var tab = tabs[i]; if (tab.autoReloadEnabled == null) setupAutoReload(tab); if (!tab.autoReloadEnabled || tab.autoReloadURI != this.getBrowserForTab(tab).currentURI.spec) this.enableAutoReload(tab); } } gBrowser.onDisableAutoReloadAllTabs = function () { var tabs = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; for(var i=0; i<tabs.length; i++){ var tab = tabs[i]; if (tab.autoReloadEnabled) this.disableAutoReload(tab); } } gBrowser.onAutoReloadCustom = function(aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; window.openDialog('chrome://tabmixplus/content/minit/autoReload.xul', '_blank', 'chrome,modal,centerscreen', autoReloadDialogResult); if (gAutoReloadDialogAccepted) { aTab.autoReloadTime = this.mPrefs.getIntPref("extensions.tabmix.custom_reload_time"); this.enableAutoReload(aTab); } } gBrowser.onTabReloaded = function(aTab, aBrowser) { if (aTab.autoReloadTimerID) clearTimeout(aTab.autoReloadTimerID); if (aTab.autoReloadURI == aBrowser.currentURI.spec) { if (aBrowser.curScrollX || aBrowser.curScrollY) aBrowser.contentWindow.scrollTo(aBrowser.curScrollX, aBrowser.curScrollY); if (!aTab.autoReloadEnabled) aTab.autoReloadEnabled = true; aTab.autoReloadTimerID = setTimeout(reloadPage, aTab.autoReloadTime*1000, aTab); } else if (aTab.autoReloadEnabled) aTab.autoReloadEnabled = false; } gBrowser.copyTabUrl = function (aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; var URL = this.getBrowserForTab(aTab).contentDocument.location; var clipboard = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper); clipboard.copyString(URL); } gBrowser.renameTab = function(aTab) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.mCurrentTab; var browser = this.getBrowserForTab(aTab); var url = browser.contentDocument.baseURI || browser.currentURI.spec; var docTitle = getTitleFromBookmark(url, browser.contentDocument.title, aTab.getAttribute("tabmix_bookmarkId")) || this.mStringBundle.getString("tabs.untitled"); var tabTitle; if (aTab.getAttribute("label-uri") == url || aTab.getAttribute("label-uri") == "*") tabTitle = aTab.getAttribute("fixed-label"); else tabTitle = docTitle; var data = { value: tabTitle, rename_all: this._renameAll != null ? this._renameAll : this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.titlefrombookmark"), permanently: aTab.getAttribute("label-uri") == "*", resetTitle: false, modified: false, docTitle: docTitle }; window.openDialog('chrome://tabmixplus/content/minit/setFixedLabel.xul', '_blank', 'chrome,modal,centerscreen', data); this._renameAll = data.rename_all; if (data.modified) { var label = data.value; if (data.rename_all) this.setFixLabel(label, url, !data.resetTitle && data.value != docTitle); else { var resetDefault = data.resetTitle || (data.value == docTitle && !data.permanently); TMP_setItem(aTab, "fixed-label", resetDefault ? null : label); var _url = resetDefault ? null : data.permanently ? "*" : url; TMP_setItem(aTab, "label-uri", _url); SessionManager.updateTabProp(aTab); if (aTab.getAttribute('label') != label) { aTab.setAttribute('label', label); if (gWidthFitTitle) { tabBarScrollStatus(); checkBeforeAndAfter(); } if (aTab == this.mCurrentTab) this.updateTitlebar(); } } } } gBrowser.setFixLabel = function (label, url, setFixedLabel) { // if setFixedLabel is false we reset title to default var i, wnd, aTab, browser, enumerator = windowEnumerator(), titleChanged = false; while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { wnd = enumerator.getNext(); for (i = 0; i < wnd.gBrowser.mTabs.length; i++) { aTab = wnd.gBrowser.mTabs[i]; browser = wnd.gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(aTab); if (browser.currentURI.spec == url) { wnd.TMP_setItem(aTab, "fixed-label", setFixedLabel ? label : null); wnd.TMP_setItem(aTab, "label-uri", setFixedLabel ? url : null); wnd.SessionManager.updateTabProp(aTab); if (aTab.getAttribute('label') != label) { titleChanged = true; aTab.setAttribute('label', label); if (aTab == wnd.gBrowser.mCurrentTab) wnd.gBrowser.updateTitlebar(); } } } if (titleChanged && gWidthFitTitle) { wnd.tabBarScrollStatus(); wnd.checkBeforeAndAfter(); } } } gBrowser.previousTabIndex = function _previousTabIndex(aTab) { var temp_id, tempIndex = -1, max_id = 0; var items = this.mTabContainer.getElementsByAttribute("flst_id", "*"); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i ) { temp_id = items[i].getAttribute("flst_id"); if (aTab && items[i] == aTab) continue; if ( temp_id && temp_id > max_id ) { max_id = temp_id; tempIndex = items[i]._tPos; } } return tempIndex; } gBrowser.previousTab = function (aTab) { if (this.mTabs.length == 1) return; var tempIndex = this.previousTabIndex(aTab); // if no flst_id go to previousTab tab, from first tab go to the next tab if (tempIndex == -1) tempIndex = aTab._tPos == 0 ? 1 : aTab._tPos - 1; this.selectedTab = this.mTabs[tempIndex]; if (gIsFirefox36) this.selectedBrowser.focus(); else focusElement(content); } gBrowser.selectIndexAfterRemove = function (oldTab) { var currentIndex = this.mCurrentTab._tPos; if (this.mCurrentTab != oldTab) return currentIndex; var l = this.mTabs.length; if (l==1) return 0; var mode = this.mPrefs.getIntPref("extensions.tabmix.focusTab"); switch ( mode ) { case 0: // first tab return currentIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0; break; case 1: // left tab return currentIndex == 0 ? 1 : currentIndex-1 ; break; case 3: // last tab return currentIndex == l - 1 ? currentIndex - 1 : l - 1; break; case 6: // last opened var lastTab = this.getTabForLastPanel(); if (lastTab == oldTab && l > 1) { lastTab = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "linkedpanel", this.mPanelContainer.childNodes[l-2].id); } return lastTab._tPos; case 4: // last selected var tempIndex = this.previousTabIndex(oldTab); // if we don't find last selected we fall back to default if (tempIndex > -1) return tempIndex; case 2: // opener / right (default ) case 5: // right tab default: if (mode != 5 && this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.selectOwnerOnClose") && "owner" in oldTab) { var owner = oldTab.owner; if (owner && owner.parentNode && owner != oldTab) // oldTab and owner still exist just return its position return owner._tPos; } } return currentIndex == l - 1 ? currentIndex - 1 : currentIndex + 1; } gBrowser.closeTab = function(aTab) { // throws exception when rapid click on close tab button // we call this after delay if (!aTab.parentNode) return; if (this.mTabContainer.childNodes.length == 1 && this.isBlankNotBusyTab(aTab) && !this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.keepLastTab")) { var urlBar = document.getElementById("urlbar"); if (urlBar) { urlBar.value = ""; urlBar.focus(); } } else { // clear all timeouts before we remove the tab if (aTab.isClosing) clearTimeout(aTab.isClosing); if (aTab.mSelect) clearTimeout(aTab.mSelect); if (aTab.mouseHoverSelect && aTab.mFocusId) { clearTimeout(aTab.mFocusId); } if (aTab.mButtonId) clearTimeout(aTab.mButtonId); if (aTab.hasAttribute("busy")) this.getBrowserForTab(aTab).stop(); this.removeTab(aTab, true); if (this.mTabContainer.childNodes.length == 1 && this.isBlankTab(this.mCurrentTab)) setURLBarFocus(); this.stopMouseHoverSelect(aTab); } } gBrowser.stopMouseHoverSelect = function(aTab) { // add extra delay after tab removed or after tab flip before we select by hover // to let the user time to move the mouse if (aTab.mouseHoverSelect) { function removeDelayAfterClose(browser) { browser.removeAttribute("preventMouseHoverSelect"); } this.setAttribute("preventMouseHoverSelect",true); var delay = aTab.mouseHoverSelectDelay + 50; setTimeout(removeDelayAfterClose, delay, this); } } gBrowser.warnAboutClosingTabs = function (whatToClose, tabPos, protectedTab, aDomain) { // try to cach call from other extensions to warnAboutClosingTabs if (typeof(whatToClose) == "boolean") { if (!whatToClose) protectedTab = this.mCurrentTab.hasAttribute("protected"); whatToClose = whatToClose ? "All_onExit" : "AllBut"; } var childNodes = this.mTabContainer.childNodes; var numTabs = childNodes.length; // calc the number of tab to close when there is protected tabs. var protectedTabs = this.mTabContainer.getElementsByAttribute("protected", true); var numProtected = protectedTabs.length; var shouldPrompt = 0; var prefs = ["extensions.tabmix.tabs.warnOnClose", "extensions.tabmix.protectedtabs.warnOnClose", "browser.tabs.warnOnClose"]; if (whatToClose == "All_onExit") { if (numProtected > 0 && this.mPrefs.getBoolPref(prefs[1])) shouldPrompt = 2; if (numTabs > 1 && this.mPrefs.getBoolPref(prefs[2])) shouldPrompt = 3; } else if (numTabs > 1 && this.mPrefs.getBoolPref(prefs[0])) shouldPrompt = 1; if (shouldPrompt == 0) return true; var i, tabsToClose = 0; switch (whatToClose) { case "All": tabsToClose = numTabs - numProtected; break; case "All_onExit": tabsToClose = numTabs; break; case "AllBut": if (protectedTab) --numProtected; tabsToClose = numTabs - 1 - numProtected; break; case "Group": for ( i = numTabs - 1; i > -1; --i) { if (this.getBrowserForTab(childNodes[i]).currentURI.spec.indexOf(aDomain) != -1 && !childNodes[i].hasAttribute("protected")) tabsToClose++; } break; case "Right": for ( i = 0; i < protectedTabs.length; i++ ) if (protectedTabs[i]._tPos <= tabPos) --numProtected; tabsToClose = numTabs - tabPos - 1 - numProtected; break; case "Left": for ( i = 0; i < protectedTabs.length; i++ ) if (protectedTabs[i]._tPos >= tabPos) --numProtected; tabsToClose = tabPos - numProtected; break; } if (tabsToClose <= 1 && shouldPrompt < 2) return true; //default to true: if it were false, we wouldn't get this far var warnOnClose = { value:true }; var bundle = this.mStringBundle; var message, messageKey, chkBoxLabel; var tmp_bundle = document.getElementById("tmp-string-bundle"); if (shouldPrompt == 1 || numProtected == 0) { messageKey = (tabsToClose == 1) ? "tabs.closeWarningOneTab" : "tabs.closeWarningMultipleTabs"; message = bundle.getFormattedString(messageKey, [tabsToClose]); chkBoxLabel = shouldPrompt == 1 ? bundle.getString("tabs.closeWarningPromptMe") : tmp_bundle.getString("window.closeWarning.1"); } else { messageKey = "protectedtabs.closeWarning."; messageKey += (numProtected < tabsToClose) ? "3" : (numProtected == 1) ? "1" : "2"; message = tmp_bundle.getFormattedString(messageKey, [tabsToClose, numProtected]); var chkBoxKey = shouldPrompt == 3 ? "window.closeWarning.1" : "protectedtabs.closeWarning.4"; chkBoxLabel = tmp_bundle.getString(chkBoxKey); } var closeKey = (tabsToClose == 1) ? "tabs.closeButtonOne" : "tabs.closeButtonMultiple"; var buttonLabel = shouldPrompt == 1 ? bundle.getString(closeKey) : tmp_bundle.getString("closeWindow.label"); window.focus(); var promptService = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPromptService); var buttonPressed = promptService.confirmEx(window, bundle.getString("tabs.closeWarningTitle"), message, (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * promptService.BUTTON_POS_0) + (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL * promptService.BUTTON_POS_1), buttonLabel, null, null, chkBoxLabel, warnOnClose); var reallyClose = (buttonPressed == 0); // don't set the pref unless they press OK and it's false if (reallyClose && !warnOnClose.value) { this.mPrefs.setBoolPref(prefs[shouldPrompt - 1], false); } return reallyClose; } gBrowser.TMP_selectNewForegroundTab = function (aTab, aLoadInBackground, aUrl, addOwner) { var bgLoad = (aLoadInBackground != null) ? aLoadInBackground : this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground"); if (!bgLoad) { // set new tab owner addOwner = addOwner != null ? addOwner : true; if (addOwner) aTab.owner = this.selectedTab; this.selectedTab = aTab; if (aUrl) { var testString = /^(about:blank|chrome:\/\/abouttab\/content\/text.html|chrome:\/\/abouttab\/content\/tab.html|chrome:\/\/google-toolbar\/content\/new-tab.html)/; if (testString.test(aUrl)) setURLBarFocus(); } } } gBrowser.getTabForBrowser = function (aBrowser) { return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "linkedpanel", aBrowser.parentNode.id); } gBrowser.getTabForLastPanel = function () { return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "linkedpanel", this.mPanelContainer.lastChild.id); } }} // end tablib // make sure that our function don't break removeTab function function TMP_onRemoveTab(tab, browser) { try { saveClosedTab(tab, browser); TMP_ClosedTabs.setButtonDisableState(); } catch (ex) { TMP_ASSERT(ex, "ERROR in saveClosedTab"); } try { SessionManager.tabScrolled(tab); } catch (ex) { TMP_ASSERT(ex, "ERROR in SessionManager.tabScrolled"); } try { SessionManager.tabClosed(tab); } catch (ex) { TMP_ASSERT(ex, "ERROR in SessionManager.tabClosed"); } } function TMP_closeLastTab() { if (/^Mac/.test(navigator.platform) && window.location.href != getBrowserURL()) { closeWindow(true); return; } // browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab exist only from Firefox 3.5 if (gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes.length > 1 || !TMP_getBoolPref("", "browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab",false)) gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(true); else closeWindow(true); } function TMP_closeWindow(aCountOnlyBrowserWindows) { if (!gIsFirefox36 && !closeWindow(false)) return false; // privatebrowsing from Firefox 3.5 var inPrivateBrowsing = false; if (gIsFirefox35) { try { var pbSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/privatebrowsing;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingService); inPrivateBrowsing = pbSvc.privateBrowsingEnabled; } catch(e) { } } var quitType = arguments.callee.caller.caller.name; var showPrompt; var windowtype = aCountOnlyBrowserWindows ? "navigator:browser" : null; // make sure not to show here our prompt if BrowserGlue.prototype._onQuitRequest show prompt // we save browser.startup.page in SessionManager.observe if (!inPrivateBrowsing && !(/^Mac/.test(navigator.platform)) && numberOfWindows(false, windowtype) == 1 && window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype") == "navigator:browser" && window.gBrowser.browsers.length > 1) { showPrompt = false; try { let browserStartupPref; if ("browserStartupPref" in SessionManager) { browserStartupPref = SessionManager.browserStartupPref; delete SessionManager.browserStartupPref; } else browserStartupPref = gTabmixPrefs.getIntPref("browser.startup.page"); var sessionWillBeSaved = browserStartupPref == 3 || gTabmixPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.resume_session_once"); if (sessionWillBeSaved || !gTabmixPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.warnOnQuit")) showPrompt = true; // its can't be restart here, restart don't call closeWindow in Firefox 3.0 else if (quitType == "restart") showPrompt = !gTabmixPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.warnOnRestart"); else showPrompt = !gTabmixPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose"); } catch (ex) {} } else showPrompt = true; var askBeforSave = quitType != "restartApp" && quitType != "restart"; var isLastWindow = numberOfWindows() == 1; var result = SessionManager.deinit(isLastWindow, askBeforSave); var canClose = result.canClose; // we only show warnAboutClose if firefox or tabmix didn't do it already // if showPrompt is false then prompt was shown by firefox code from BrowserGlue.prototype._onQuitRequest // or from SessionManager.deinit if (canClose && showPrompt && result.showMorePrompt) { var pref = "extensions.tabmix.warnAboutClosingTabs.timeout"; var startTime = new Date().valueOf(); var oldTime = gTabmixPrefs.prefHasUserValue(pref) ? gTabmixPrefs.getCharPref(pref) : 0; canClose = gBrowser.warnAboutClosingTabs("All_onExit"); gTabmixPrefs.setCharPref(pref, oldTime*1 + (new Date().valueOf() - startTime)); } SessionManager.windowIsClosing(canClose, isLastWindow, result.saveSession, result.removeClosedTabs); return canClose; } function TMP_contentAreaOnDrop(aEvent, aUri, aPostData) { var where; var browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(aEvent.target.ownerDocument); if (browser && aUri != browser.currentURI.spec) { var tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); var isCopy = "dataTransfer" in aEvent ? (aEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect == "copy") : (aEvent.ctrlKey || aEvent.metaKey); if (!isCopy && tab.getAttribute("locked") && !gBrowser.isBlankNotBusyTab(tab) && !isUrlForDownload(aUri)) { where = "tab"; } } if (where == "tab") gBrowser.loadOneTab(aUri, null, null, aPostData, false, false); else loadURI(aUri, null, aPostData, false); } var _BrowserToolboxCustomizeDone; var _bottomPosition = false; function TMP_BrowserToolboxCustomizeDone() { var urlbar = document.getElementById("urlbar"); // onblur attribut e reset each time we exit ToolboxCustomize if (urlbar) { var blur = urlbar.getAttribute("onblur") || ""; if (blur.indexOf("TMP_urlBarOnBlur") == -1) urlbar.setAttribute("onblur", blur + "TMP_urlBarOnBlur();") } if (gIsFirefox35 && urlbar) { var _handleCommand = urlbar.handleCommand.toString(); if (_handleCommand.indexOf("TMP_BrowserLoadURL") == -1) { if ("objURLsuffix" in window) urlbar._canonizeURL = objURLsuffix.canonizeUrl; // set altDisabled if Suffix extension installed eval("urlbar.handleCommand ="+ _handleCommand.replace( 'var [url, postData] = this._canonizeURL(aTriggeringEvent);', 'var _data = this._canonizeURL(aTriggeringEvent); \ var altDisabled = _data.length == 3; \ var [url, postData] = [_data[0], _data[1]];' ).replace( 'if (aTriggeringEvent instanceof MouseEvent) {', 'TMP_BrowserLoadURL(aTriggeringEvent, postData, altDisabled); \ return; \ $&' )); } } if (_bottomPosition) { _bottomPosition = null; gTMPprefObserver.tabBarPositionChanged(1); } var tabsToolbaritem = document.getElementById("tabs-toolbaritem"); if (tabsToolbaritem) { tabBarScrollStatus(); checkBeforeAndAfter(); } var searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar"); if (searchbar) { var _handleSearchCommand = searchbar.handleSearchCommand.toString(); // we check browser.search.openintab also for search button click if (_handleSearchCommand.indexOf("forceNewTab") == -1) { eval("searchbar.handleSearchCommand ="+ _handleSearchCommand.replace( 'where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, true);', '$& \ var forceNewTab = where == "current" && textBox._prefBranch.getBoolPref("browser.search.openintab"); \ if (forceNewTab) where = "tab";' )); } var _doSearch = searchbar.doSearch.toString(); if (_doSearch.indexOf("tabmixArg") == -1) { eval("searchbar.doSearch ="+ _doSearch.replace( 'openUILinkIn(submission.uri.spec, aWhere, null, submission.postData);', <![CDATA[ var tabmixArg = {backgroundPref: "extensions.tabmix.loadSearchInBackground"}; var isBlankTab = gBrowser.isBlankNotBusyTab(gBrowser.mCurrentTab); var isLockTab = !isBlankTab && gBrowser.mCurrentTab.hasAttribute("locked"); if (aWhere == "current" && isLockTab) aWhere = "tab"; else if ((/^tab/).test(aWhere) && isBlankTab) aWhere = "current" openUILinkIn(submission.uri.spec, aWhere, null, submission.postData, null, tabmixArg); ]]> )); } } var undocloseButton = document.getElementById("btn_undoclose"); if (undocloseButton) { if (gIsFirefox35 && !undocloseButton.hasAttribute("ondrop")) { undocloseButton.setAttribute("ondrop", "nsDragAndDrop.drop(event, undocloseTabButtonObserver);"); undocloseButton.setAttribute("ondragleave", "nsDragAndDrop.dragExit(event, undocloseTabButtonObserver);"); } else if (!gIsFirefox35 && !undocloseButton.hasAttribute("ondragdrop")) { undocloseButton.setAttribute("ondragdrop", "nsDragAndDrop.drop(event, undocloseTabButtonObserver);"); undocloseButton.setAttribute("ondragexit", "nsDragAndDrop.dragExit(event, undocloseTabButtonObserver);"); } } if (gIsFirefox35) SessionManager.toggleRecentlyClosedWindowsButton(); // Show Reload Every menu on Reload button gTMPprefObserver.showReloadEveryOnReloadButton(); } function TMP_BrowserCustomizeToolbar() { if (gTabbarPosition == 1) { _bottomPosition = true; gTMPprefObserver.tabBarPositionChanged(0); } } function TMP_onViewToolbarsPopupShowing(aPopup, aFirstMenuItem) { // if the toolbar is not on the botton we have notiong to do here... if (gTabbarPosition != 1) return; var toolbar = document.getElementById("tabs-toolbar"); if (toolbar) { var toolbarName = toolbar.getAttribute("toolbarname"); var type = toolbar.getAttribute("type"); if (toolbarName && type != "menubar") { var menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem"); var toolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); menuItem.setAttribute("toolbarindex", toolbox.childNodes.length); menuItem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); menuItem.setAttribute("label", toolbarName); menuItem.setAttribute("accesskey", toolbar.getAttribute("accesskey")); menuItem.setAttribute("checked", toolbar.getAttribute("collapsed") != "true"); aPopup.insertBefore(menuItem, aFirstMenuItem); menuItem.addEventListener("command", function() { var toolbar = document.getElementById("tabs-toolbar"); toolbar.collapsed = !toolbar.collapsed; document.persist("tabs-toolbar", "collapsed"); }, false); } } } function setURLBarFocus() { if (gURLBar) gURLBar.focus(); } function dupScrollPosition(event) { var browser = this; var data = browser._scrollData; browser.removeEventListener('load', dupScrollPosition, true); var tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); if (tab && tab.parentNode) SessionManager.setScrollPosition(tab, browser, data, 15); delete browser._scrollData; } function menuItemTitle(entry) { if (entry.URI) return getTitleFromBookmark(entry.URI.spec, entry.title); return entry.title; } function saveClosedTab(tab, browser) { if (TMP_ClosedTabs.ssIsON) return; var maxTabsUndo = gTabmixPrefs.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo"); if (tabxPrefs.getBoolPref("undoClose") && maxTabsUndo > 0 && !gBrowser.isBlankBrowser(browser)) { var bContent = browser.contentWindow; var zoomFactor = browser.docShell.contentViewer ? browser.markupDocumentViewer.textZoom : 1; gBrowser.closedTabs.unshift({ pos: tab._tPos, history: browser.sessionHistory, title: tab.getAttribute("label"), image: tab.getAttribute("image"), properties: SessionData.getTabProperties(tab), scroll: bContent.scrollX + "," + bContent.scrollY + "," + zoomFactor }) } if (gBrowser.closedTabs.length > maxTabsUndo) gBrowser.closedTabs.splice(maxTabsUndo, gBrowser.closedTabs.length - maxTabsUndo); } var autoReloadTabID = 0; var gAutoReloadDialogAccepted; function autoReloadDialogResult(accepted){ gAutoReloadDialogAccepted = accepted; } function setupAutoReload(aTab) { aTab.autoReloadEnabled = false; aTab.autoReloadTime = tabxPrefs.getIntPref("reload_time"); aTab.autoReloadTimerID = null; aTab.postDataAcceptedByUser = false; autoReloadTabID++; } function reloadPage(aTab) { if (aTab == null || !aTab.parentNode) return; if (aTab.autoReloadEnabled == false ){ aTab.postDataAcceptedByUser = false; return; } var browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(aTab); var webNav = browser.webNavigation; var postData, referrer; try { var sh = webNav.sessionHistory; if (sh) { var entry = sh.getEntryAtIndex(sh.index, false); postData = entry.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISHEntry).postData; referrer = entry.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISHEntry).referrerURI; if (postData == null) webNav = sh.QueryInterface(nsIWebNavigation); else if (!aTab.postDataAcceptedByUser) { var params = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/embedcomp/dialogparam;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDialogParamBlock); var stringBundle = document.getElementById("tmp-string-bundle"); params.SetString(12, stringBundle.getString('confirm_autoreloadPostData_title')); params.SetString(0, stringBundle.getString('confirm_autoreloadPostData')); params.SetString(2, 'alert-icon'); params.SetInt(2, 2); window.openDialog('chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xul', '_blank', 'chrome,modal,centerscreen', params); if (params.GetInt(0) == 0) aTab.postDataAcceptedByUser = true; else { aTab.autoReloadEnabled = false; return; } } } } catch (e) { } browser.curScrollX = browser.contentWindow.scrollX; browser.curScrollY = browser.contentWindow.scrollY; var loadFlags = nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_HISTORY | nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY | nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE; if (postData) webNav.loadURI(webNav.currentURI.spec, loadFlags, referrer, postData, null); else webNav.reload(loadFlags); } /* DEPRECATED */ var gIsFirefox3 = true; function TMP_BrowserCloseWindow() { tmLog(TMP_D_MSG, true); } function _confirmOpenTabs(numTabsToOpen) { tmLog(TMP_D_MSG, true); return PlacesController.prototype._confirmOpenTabs(numTabsToOpen); } function setTextZoom() { tmLog(TMP_D_MSG, true); } function adjustSafebrowsingDimArea() { tmLog(TMP_D_MSG, true); } function openMultipleLinks() { tmLog(TMP_D_MSG, true); } var gPref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2); function TMP_SearchLoadURL() { tmLog(TMP_D_MSG, true); }